Desoto Collision Center  Southaven is a BBB Accredited Auto Body Shop in Southaven, MS

Pothole auto body repair is one of the easiest solutions for this common problem in Memphis and the North Mississippi areas. Avoiding obstacles can sometimes minimize damage to your vehicle, but it is impossible to miss all of the potholes if you are on the road in any of these locations. Hitting a pothole can cause major damage to your car, and many vehicle owners find themselves with our collision repair mechanic for specialist services.

Memphis and Northern Mississippi are not the only areas widely known for gaping ditches in the roads, and the Desoto Collision team handles all auto body damage that might occur from hitting potholes. Our auto body repair shop has ample experience in fixing pothole damage, but here are five tips to safeguard your vehicle if you’re driving in any of our seven locations countrywide:

#1 Slow Down

Avoiding potholes is the best option, but it is not always possible to avoid them if you can’t see them. Unavoidable potholes are typically in the middle of a narrow and busy lane of traffic, and there is no way through but straight over them. Slow down before approaching the pothole to minimize the impact on all parts of the vehicle—a slow and careful approach could even completely prevent suspension damage.

#2 Be Vigilant Near Construction Zones

The law requires that you slow down when driving near construction zones, but this is good practice for potholes, too. Potholes are common around construction sites due to the heavy machinery tearing up the roads. It is the price of infrastructure development, but it does not need to affect your vehicle if you are aware of the dangers and within reach of our pothole auto body repair services.

#3 Avoid Puddles or Drive Slowly Through Them

Puddles in the road can be deceiving when there is a pothole hiding beneath the water. A pool that appears to be shallow might be concealing a deep, jagged pothole, so speed control is essential. Driving at a normal speed over a pothole could mean the driver loses control of the car or cause serious damage from the unexpected impact beneath.

Drive with caution during and after rainstorms, especially if you are driving in an unfamiliar area with potential potholes.

#4 Keep a Firm Grip

If you do drive over a pothole, losing control of your car is a possibility. It can be dangerous for you if there is an accident and cause internal damage to the car. Instead, stay alert and keep a firm grip on your steering wheel when driving so that you can navigate any pothole safely.

#5 Pay Attention to Changes

No matter how careful you are in the area, there is a distinct possibility that you may cause damage to your vehicle by driving over a pothole. If the car feels different while driving or tires feel uneven, the best move is to contact Desoto Collision Center for a thorough inspection and realignment.

Contact Desoto Collision Center today for repairs, maintenance, and affordable pothole auto body repair. Contact us online to schedule an appointment at one of our seven locations—our pothole auto body repair specialists are ready to get you back on the road.