After an Accident, Should You Have Your Car Towed or Drive It?
Nobody wants to get into a car accident, and generally speaking, nobody enjoys waiting around to get the vehicle towed. But is it worth the risk of further injury to yourself or your vehicle? Should you have your car towed, or drive it? Check Yourself After an...
Oldies But Goodies – Our Classic Car Restoration Tips
There are many reasons to restore an old car, whether the vehicle used to belong to a loved one who has passed or you have a passion for the classics. However, bringing an older car into this modern world is not an easy task. Luckily, you have reached the right place...
What to Do When You Witness an Auto Hit and Run
Witnessing an auto-hit and run can is unsettling and sometimes traumatic. Whether you are a bystander to a car accident, involved in an auto hit and run, or the victim of a hit, you will need to address the accident. Make Sure You Are Safe After any vehicular...
Tips for Keeping Distractions Down While Driving
Almost everyone has had trouble focusing while driving. Many things can distract us while behind the wheel, from our phone to the person in the passenger seat. While it’s essential to be aware of your surroundings while driving, it’s also crucial to keep distractions...
What is the difference between OEM vs. Aftermarket Parts?
You have many different options when it comes to selecting parts for your car. Two of the most common are OEM and aftermarket parts. But what is the difference between the two, and which wins in a battle of OEM vs. aftermarket parts? What Are OEM Parts? OEM stands for...
Top 7 Ways to Avoid Parking Lot Accidents
No one wants to get into a car accident, but unfortunately, they happen all the time. In many cases, these accidents are minor fender benders that cause little more than a headache. But sometimes, they can be serious - even deadly. Parking lot accidents are one of the...